Rum "Tuzemak" SailboatVolume: 0.195 l, 0,75 l, 1,75 lVolume alcohol: 40% Production of rum in the former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy countries continues more than two hundred years. In the 19th century in the Czech lands, this unique drink called «tea» domestic rum. Because it was made of alcohol of agricultural origin - from grain, potato or sugar beet - with adding of special Rum essence, which made the color of drink like the color of strong tea. Thus, the rum was different from the present at that time very expensive rums, imported from overseas countries - Brazil, Jamaica, Cuba. And if nowadays nobody calls the Czech rum – “tea”, the tradition to mark it as a «domestic» persisted till today, so now each bottle of Czech Rom bears the proud name of «Tuzemak». Rum «Tuzemak» Sailboat, the original in form and incomparable in content is a visiting card of «Fruko-Schulz» company, one of the largest and oldest producers of distilled beverages in the Czech Republic. Collective of Fruko-Schulz LLC |